no dialysis

change of plan

I watched as two dialysis technicians positioned Ms. L for transfer from the dialysis chair to wheelchair. Before last summer, she could do this herself. Push herself to a stand using the arms of her wheelchair, take two steps, and sit down again in a different chair. Now that transfer required two technicians to hoist her in the blue net she sat on by the Hoyer lift, suspend her in the air, swing her over to her wheelchair, and ease her down again.

defining success

Last week I gave my first truly invited international talk at the American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week in Philadelphia. I say “truly” because I did give a couple of talks about my dental-kidney research in England last year, but I offered myself up on a platter and they kindly accepted.

what i could do

I walked into the clinic chart room where the list of patients with appointments to see me that day was thumbtacked to the corkboard. I was both happy and sad to see his name. The last time I saw Mr. Brown was 2 years ago.